domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Some reflections concerning life: 4.- DELIVERING THE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE

Created by:

Carlos Lasserre

To the question: Do we give the best that we can give?, the logical answer is "No". The next question presents a more complex answer: Why not?

In daily life we often perform multiple activities, obligations and tasks that return us little value. Many times we allow what is less important blends with the really important things by not knowing the difference, and the habit is so ingrained that is difficult to see the difference. This is discussed in modern leadership under the concept of "Essentialism". That is,  the disciplined pursuit of the essence at the expense of the irrelevant.

If we consider that we are limited beings, with a limited power source, it is vitally important to ask ourselves where we are focusing that energy. In summary, Essentialism postulates that for a more efficient result, you should use the minimum efforts to achieve the maximum benefits. This is one of the pitfalls of "Delivering the maximum possible." It can be misinterpreted as "Delivering as much effort as possible," however it points to the contrary, to make the less effort in order to achieve more. That is, strive better. The key is in the process of eliminating, as the Chinese saying "Happiness is not to gain wealth but to subtract desires".

Life does not stop bombarding us with the trivial, we are the ones to say No. No to what does not gives us something, No to meeting expectations of others. Saying No, may  be the most positive tool of all when its power is discovered: every second saved in an activity that we do not need in our lives and to which we say No, can be an extra second to invest better where we need it the most.

To get the maximum posible, we must agree small and infinite giving ups that we have to release in pursue of the greatest goal, with no regrets. By delivering the máximum possible, we, among other things:

aa.     Give meaning to what we do:

dBy identifying the essentials by eliminating the trivial and put all our focus on it, the road becomes appropriate and therefore makes us more sense. We're getting what we want to achieve.

ab.     Take control of our lives:

When choosing where and when to put our energy and agreeing peace with what we will not give priority, we avoid the overwhelm and the burden that would generate by absorbing all tasks without prioritizing, and dissatisfaction generated by the accumulated backlogs with no management. If we do not prioritize our tasks, others end up doing for us.

Two practical examples to develop this subject:

Example 1:
Prepare a list of all the activities you do daily. In another column place a note from 10 to 1 for the effort it involves (1 max). In the third column, from 1 to 10 for the benefit it gives you (10 max). In a fourth column write down the result of multiplying  the second and third columns. Review the results under 50, these tasks you should reconsider.

Example 2:
Prepare a list of the activities you like to do during the day and you do not perform. In another column mark the reason why you have not done it. Check the activities under 50 from the list in Example 1, since in the second column appear irrelevant tasks that when eliminated will give time for the ones that are truly important. A tip: never blame time. Time is infinite, existed before, has existed during and will exist after you. The really finite is your imagination to know how to use it. Be protagonist, works in the imagination. Time should be someone else’s concern.

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