viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

The Man of Tomorrow

Created by: 

Enrique Gillet
Enrique Palomera
Abel Toro (RIP)

The current outlook  presents us a man walking adrift, without greater awareness about the actual reasons for his apathy, depression, deep discontent and dissatisfaction, sometimes veiled by states of euphoria and contentment, that sometimes have more to do with chance than with results of conscious efforts towards the achievement of life goals drawn from the depths of being.

This man is confronted daily with the need to get up to start another day, like an automaton rather than conscious man, without noticing if that reason  for which he  will rise this new day is connected with what he believes and loves. Moreover, it is likely that this man does not have clarity about what is his belief, or what he wants.

On the other hand, this man feels alone, disconnected from himself, and even more disconnected from anything that’s outside himself. He’s alien to his true being  and everything around him. And the world in which he lives and performs, instead of  offering possibilities  of being integrated, it sets out a scenario in  which  he must be continually choosing between opposites that dispute the TRUTH, and when choosing one, there will always be another in opposition, again.

Only a vision of wholeness that includes and integrates harmoniously all aspects of human life can satisfy man's aspirations. Nothing can or should be discarded or discredited if one wants to have an universal view of life and man in the pursuit of happiness.

Then we are facing the need of awakening to a new level of consciousness, an integrative kind of consciousness. This integration of the individual man in a whole that attracts him more and more, cannot be done through ideologies that enclose and strung man in the struggle of opposites, but through life itself and the expansion of consciousness.

The man, who has had to withstand the enormous pressures of a historical cycle of dominance of communities, each of which, somehow and in some way, have offered salvation, must fall back on himself, back on his own center, shift his  energies on the innermost core of his being, in search of his expansion, in search of his real evolution, the evolution that will lead to real freedom and  happiness, the evolution of consciousness.

Here’s the great challenge for The Man of Tomorrow

The new era will develop under a new sign, based on the principle of integrating all parts into a whole or unit. The new man must wake up to a new expansive and participant consciousness, connected with himself and the universe from which he is part and therefore he needs to understand it in order  to understand himself. An expansive consciousness that allows him to extract and take advantage of everything with discarding nothing, getting rid of the shackles of opposites, understanding them in this new plane as complements of each other.

We are at the service of our personal evolution, and consequently, slow but effective, at the service of the mankind’s evolution. And this evolution corresponds to a conscious process, which commit the willingness to transform, and is based on an expansive and participant consciousness. Expansive, because it is projected to rise upward, connecting with that superior man who dwells within us, and participant, assuming himself as an integral and inseparable part of the rest of the universe, at the same time assumed as an universe in himself, and therefore also indivisible.

Definitively, this is the evolutionary step we propose to ourselves, and when aiming our steps depending on the evolution of the very being, connecting with universal and other's sensitivity, understanding them as brothers, we are addressing our responsibility as conscious individuals to be the agents of change that will influence the achievement of those ideals that aspire to the emergence of a man, conscious as well of the responsibility that fits in the pursuit of our own destiny, happiness and so on. A man that instead of subtract and divide, adds and multiplies.

So, the next man, who rises tomorrow, will know why and for what he rose. And his reasons for doing so will be deeply connected to his dreams, love, happiness, and the dream of love and happiness of his brothers, that is, all other men.

And he will be happy because his sensibility is in harmony with the world’s sensitivity and the entire universe, in which he is part and at the same time is himself. He will be happy, because he will witness the gift of having awakened one more day, a full day to love, to live it in intensity, as if it was his last day, but with the strength and wonder of the first own, feeling that life is made of moments and each one of them is a lifetime.

The man who rises tomorrow, will value each day as a new opportunity to be, to try again, to vibrate at the same frequency that universe vibrates. He will feel to be loved by the world and will love the world as he loves himself. He will feel his commitment in achieving Universal Ideal, will rise to his feet, aim  his march towards the East and will do it for love. Love to himself, love for all existence, love for life itself.

1 comentario:

  1. Muy interesante articulo... Muchas gracias ventana!!!

    Creo que una de las muchas virtudes que debe tener el hombre del mañana, debe ser la de poder soportar y vencer la adversidad. Si miramos nuestra sociedad, especialmente grupos etarios menores, podremos darnos cuenta que poseen menos capacidad de confrontar la frustración. Esto se debe, según mi opinión, al sistema socio-económico en el que vivimos, ya que todo es vendible, comercializable y reemplazable inmediatamente, haciendo sentir a las personas pueden adquirir lo quieran en un corto plazo... tal ansiedad y desesperación a tener cosas, obtener mejores empleos, más riquezas, generan al hombre graficado en la foto del articulo...

    En resumen, el hombre del futuro debe ser capaz ser consciente y aprender de sus errores, generando al mismo tiempo ganas y hambre de reparar ese error... en otras palabras aprender de sus caídas, reflexionar y levantarse con la cabeza en alto, para proseguir el rumbo.



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